Local Service Ads for Personal Injury Attorneys

Local Service Ads for Your Law Firm

Local Service Ads for Personal Injury Attorneys help potential clients find you for the services that you offer. Local Service Ads (LSAs) display in the counties you select, and you only pay Google when someone calls you directly through the ad.

Local Service Ad Example

screenshot of local service ads for Philadelphia personal injury attorneys

Local Service Ads for Lawyers

Contact us today if you would like assistance configuring Local Service Ads for your law firm.

What's the difference between Google Ads and Local Service Ads?

Google Ads, formerly called Google Adwords, is a Pay Per Click (PPC) product. Your ad is displayed, and you pay Google when people click the ad, regardless of the client converting or not.

Google Local Services Ads is a Per Per Lead product. You only pay per phone call. You set a weekly budget, and Google will display your ad in the areas you specify. An easy to use dashboard displays inbound calls and provides a recording of all inbound calls.

We have an entire article dedicated to LSA vs PPC for Personal Injury Attorneys.

Do prospective clients really use Local Service Ads?

Around 80% of people scroll past ads, so ranking in local search results is always our primary focus. However, LSAs are a cost effective way to get new leads. There will always be a percentage of people who do use ads, so having your ad at the top of the front page of Google ensures you are able to capture as many leads as possible.

How much do Local Service Ads cost for attorneys?

Local Service Ads are charged per call. The cost varies for different sectors and geographic regions.

For example, the average cost per lead from Google Local Services Ads for Personal Injury Attorneys in 2022 is $240 per undisputed lead. Leads generally cost between $140 – $340 depending on how competitive a market is.

The average cost per case is $960.

We have a complete breakdown of LSA pricing here: How Much do Local Services Ads Cost Personal Injury Attorneys?

Are Local Service Ads a good investment for your firm?

Let's talk through it.

How Does Optimize My Firm Help With LSAs?

We can provide consulting and show your in house marketing team the best way to operate LSAs or we can manage the LSAs here for you.

For most firms we provide:

Additional LSA Resources: