The average cost per lead from Google Local Services Ads for Personal Injury Attorneys in 2022 is $240 per undisputed lead. Leads generally cost between $140 – $340 depending on how competitive a market is.
If you would like assistance configuring your Local Services Ads account please contact us or feel free to visit our Local Services Ads Management Services page.
Methodology for Determining the Average Lead is $240
We looked at 15 separate client Local Services Ads (LSA) accounts from cities of different sizes across the United States and averaged all of their lead prices together to arrive at the price of $240 per lead.
All accounts were set to “Max Leads”.
As of January 2022:
- The cheapest LSA ads we found were displayed in Kentucky at $140 per undisputed lead.
- The most expensive were in Los Angeles and cost $344/pc.
Local Services Ads “Cost Per Case”:
An “undisputed lead” is a charged call. That is a call which came in to the personal injury law firm which lasted over 30 seconds and was either unable to be disputed or was not disputed as someone was involved in a crash or was injured.
On average, 25% of “leads” result in a retained client. This makes the average cost per case $960.
What Determines the Price?
LSA accounts perform best when the bidding method is set to “Max Leads”. Using this method, there is no way to outbid a competitor; Google determines which ads are displayed algorithmically, and the pricing is also determined by them.
In general, the more attorneys bidding on LSAs, the higher the price goes. In cities where only 30 personal injury attorneys are running LSAs, the ads may run $150 per lead. In cities where 100+ attorneys are targeting potential clients, the price quickly runs up to $250 – $344.
Determining the Cost Per Lead in Your City:
The easiest way to determine the cost per lead in your city is to get your LSAs up and running, or simply email us and we’ll send you an estimate of what we think Google will charge you based on our experience in other cities with your competition level.
If your account is already up and running you may go to the “Reports” section in your LSA account and look at the “Overview” window to see your average cost per undisputed lead. That window should look like this:
Local Services Ads Provide a Great Return On Investment.
LSAs are the only lead gen program we’ve ever found which provides a solid return on investment. The only complaint we ever receive about them is that they aren’t running enough!
For further reading: