Can Lawyer “Service Area Business” Rank in the Local Pack

lawyer-sab-blog-imageTechnically, attorneys (and other businesses) with Google Business Pages configured as a Service Area Business (SAB) can rank in the Local Pack. However, if there’s any competition in your area at all, it’s highly unlikely you’ll show up in the Local Pack – attorneys with physical locations will display instead.

The rare cases where SAB lawyers rank in the local pack are usually due to either being in a niche practice area or being only one of a small handful of lawyers in the same area. We’ve seen this occur in small towns with one Immigration Attorney. On the other hand, a Personal Injury Attorney in a saturated market basically has a 0% chance of displaying in local results without a physical location.

For lawyers considering setting up as an SAB, I would highly recommend looking for a small, cheap office instead. Consider how many cases you need each month to pay for the office. Having a physical office will help you rank better, which in turn should lead to more calls.

If you do intend on setting up an SAB, you can read more about them here:

If you have questions related to ranking in Google’s local pack or how we can help you rank in the local pack don’t hesitate to contact us.