TikTok is an addictive app which is generally used two ways. Most people load the app onto their phone and watch silly videos. The second way the app is used is by the people making the videos. People can create short videos, lasting about 10 seconds. While the app is mostly used by teenagers, there are some people, such as the lawyers below, who create unique content which is generally received very well by the TikTok audience.
In 2019 there were about 3 attorneys creating content on TikTok, and as of 2020 there are dozens, however, there are indeed a few which stand out.
Anthony Barbuto (The Lawyer):
TikTok: @TheLawyer
Anthony Barbuto is a funny, entertaining lawyer and … rapper? As of February 2020, Anthony has 1.9 million followers on this channel. On his Tik Tok videos, he can be seen dancing, singing, laughing and being hilarious. Anthony was one of the first lawyers to hop on Tik Tok and shake what his momma gave him. He is also a content creator elsewhere online and is active on Instagram, on his blog, The Italian Enthusiast, and, yes, he is a real lawyer at Barbuto & Johansson.
Don’t miss his YouTube channel, either, where he has produced “The Lawyer Anthem”.
@thelawyerMy first full-length rap was just released, THE LAWYER ANTHEM. Watch full video on YouTube (link in bio). #lawyeranthem #lawyerrap #rapbattle
Brad Shear, Esq.:
Tik Tok: @BradShear
Attorney Brad Shear is not new to social media, he operates Shear on Social Media, a blog about social media law & technology and he’s the managing partner at Shear Law.
I love Brad’s use of Tik Tok as he provides legal information to younger users, which is obviously who spends the most time on Tik Tok. In other words, he’s creating content for the audience of Tik Tok. One of his videos answers the question “Can you go to jail for farting on someone?” Surprisingly, the answer is yes, at least in Texas. He also answers questions about schools searching backpacks and cell phones and provides some really great information. Kids love it, and most of his simple little videos go viral and have millions of views. Check him out on YouTube, too.
@bradshearWhen can a public #school access your #cell #phone? #finalsweek #howidothings #everwonder #todaywelearned #lawyerup♬ original sound – bradshear
Ethen Ostroff (The TikTok Lawyer):
Tik Tok: @ethenostrofflaw
Attorney Ethen Ostroff posts Tik Tok videos containing legal information about personal injury law, Q&As which could apply to teenage users and general lawyering. Check Ethen out at EthenOstroffLaw.com.
@ethenostrofflawThe leading causes of bike crashes are…???? #gotolook #sowedecided #hurt #bike #jobforme #law #tips #fyp♬ original sound – ethenostrofflaw
Tik Tok: @martita_esq
Martha is a Latina lawyer in LA, a Harvard grad, and her Tik Tok is about empowering aspiring attorneys. On her Tik Tok, she dances and serves up insight into becoming a lawyer, including what’s involved in paying for school, scholarship information, law school advice and studying.
@martita_esqIt’s never too early to think about law school #latina #lawyer♬ Get Busy (Shake That Thing) – laurieelle
Tik Tok: GA Lawyer
GALawyer is an attorney in Georgia who makes entertaining Tik Tok videos about layering. She sells lawyer merch on her website. From her website: “Just a bi family law attorney that practices mainly in Georgia. I want people to know they are not alone when it comes to issues like divorce, child custody, child support, etc… I make videos on Tiktok to help remind people of that. ”
@galawyerThere are so many different viewpoints in court, each with their own personalities. #attorney #StraightToHell #perfectmeal #itwentlike♬ GOODMORNINGTOKYO! – Tokyo’s Revenge
Jacob Sapochnick:
Tik Tok: @sdimmigrationlawyer
Attorney Jacob Sapochnick is an immigration lawyer in San Diego at Law Offices of Jacob J. Sapochnick. His Tik Tok channel serves up legal information content about, well, immigration law. Jacob appears to be an excellent content creator on many other platforms as well, including on his website h1b.biz, his YouTube channel, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.
@sdimmigrationlawyerOptions when the Green card is denied #greencard #immigration #immigrationlawyer #tips♬ original sound – sdimmigrationlawyer
Jonny Roven:
Tik Tik: @calljonnylaw
Attorney Jonny Rover from Jonny Law in Los Angeles creates helpful and educational video clips about a variety of legal issues. He’s also active on Twitter & Facebook.
@calljonnylaw#attorney #lawyer #uber #lyft #caraccident #crash♬ original sound – calljonnylaw