Beware these Red Flags if your Legal Digital Marketing Provider is Acquired

red flagToday I opened my inbox to see an email which read: “Hi Len, I am looking for a new digital marketing company as the one I am with was just acquired by ********.”

There are a few companies in the attorney marketing space actively acquiring smaller / boutique marketing agencies.

Unfortunately, these larger companies are only looking to boost their numbers. Some of them are simply burning through VC money. Most are absolutely terrible to work with.

Warning Signs:

Mergers and acquisitions are not always bad and can be a good thing. That said, here are some warning signs.

If you see these red flags, RUN, don’t walk.

  1. The new digital marketing agency wants to move your website from WordPress to a proprietary content management system. No. Just, no.
  2. The new agency touts AI. Artificial Intelligence is going to change the world, but right now, it is most definitely not going to do your marketing for you.
  3. The new agency does not focus exclusively on attorneys.
  4. Thew new agency offers everything. They’re a Jack of all trades, master of none.

A Message to Attorneys Seeking a New Agency:

We are one of the “good guys”. There are a few good agencies out there – and we all have similar traits. Read about what makes us different. If you do not use us, do yourself a favor and use someone with these traits.

A Message to Other Agencies:

We are a GOOD provider. If you want to sell, please feel free to contact us. We may be interested.

Beware of earnouts. These contractual provisions are good for the buyer, as the price they’re buying your company for will go down when they chase off your good clients.