Google Testing 2 Vertical LSA Listings for Attorneys on Desktop (instead of 3 horizontal)

You heard it here first. In August 2023, Google has been testing a new layout for Local Services Ads (LSA) on desktop. The new layout features two attorneys in a vertical list view instead of 3 attorneys in a horizontal view.

LSA screenshot

Google is currently testing this. The change may or may not roll out. If it does roll out, we’d expect this new layout to occur around September – November 2023.

Unfortunately, there is no news on the LSA spam problem which is plaguing California attorneys. (If you’re familiar with Sacramento, you may note that most of the firms in the above screenshot simply do not exist.)

The vertical view is interesting. Initially, I was unable to see a phone number. The phone number only appears once you hover your mouse over the listing. The “call” button makes no sense. This is not a good user experience. I suspect that if Google rolls this change out, they could modify how it displays.

This impacts all businesses which use LSA, including all types of attorneys, plumbers, locksmiths, HVAC pros, real estate agents, etc.